plzen beer
plzen beer

比爾森(Plzeň)市是比爾森拉格淡啤酒的誕生之地;這款啤酒由比爾森啤酒廠(PilsnerUrquellBrewery)生產,廣受歡迎已超過170年之久。您可以來這裡探訪啤酒廠歷史悠久的 ...,InterestedinfindingthatclassicPilsnerbeerwhileinPilsen?·USalzmannů·BrewerybarroomNaParká...

Pilsner Urquell

AndbecausePilsnerUrquellisonlybrewedinPlzeň,CzechRepublic,thatmeansourbeertastesthesameallovertheworld.WANTTOSEEHOWWEKEEP ...

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2024 比爾森啤酒廠觀光景點推薦

比爾森(Plzeň) 市是比爾森拉格淡啤酒的誕生之地;這款啤酒由比爾森啤酒廠(Pilsner Urquell Brewery) 生產,廣受歡迎已超過170 年之久。您可以來這裡探訪啤酒廠歷史悠久的 ...


Interested in finding that classic Pilsner beer while in Pilsen? · U Salzmannů · Brewery barroom Na Parkánu · Lokál Pod Divadlem · Pub and Restaurant Lékárna.

Our beer

This legendary pale Pilsen lager has become a legend amongst beers, and has created a completely new category of beer (Pils, Pilsner). Neither the recipe nor ...

Pilsen (Plzeň)

Pilsen (Plzeň) is a city in Western Bohemia in the Czech Republic and the birthplace of the pilsner beer style. The term “pilsner” originally meant “from ...

Pilsner Urquell

And because Pilsner Urquell is only brewed in Plzeň, Czech Republic, that means our beer tastes the same all over the world. WANT TO SEE HOW WE KEEP ...

Plzen (Pilsen)

Pilsner Urquell is the epitome of the category “Czech beers of the Pilsen type”, the largest and most wide-ranging category of beer in the Czech Republic.

Plzeň, a.k.a. Pilsen - Czech City World

Plzeň, in English known also as Pilsen, is a city in western Bohemia, in the southwestern part of Czechia. After Prague, Brno and Ostrava, it is the fourth ...


皮爾森啤酒,常常被簡稱為皮爾森(德語:pils,英語:pilsener),也叫皮爾森式啤酒,一般指的是使用皮爾森式釀造法制出的啤酒。它源自奧地利帝國波西米亞蘇台德地區的 ...


「Pils」、「pilsner」或「pilsener」指的都是同一個東西,也就是發源自捷克皮爾森(Plzeň)的傳奇啤酒。假如你是一位金黃啤酒的愛好者,那皮爾森就是你絕對不能錯過的 ...


比爾森(Plzeň)市是比爾森拉格淡啤酒的誕生之地;這款啤酒由比爾森啤酒廠(PilsnerUrquellBrewery)生產,廣受歡迎已超過170年之久。您可以來這裡探訪啤酒廠歷史悠久的 ...,InterestedinfindingthatclassicPilsnerbeerwhileinPilsen?·USalzmannů·BrewerybarroomNaParkánu·LokálPodDivadlem·PubandRestaurantLékárna.,ThislegendarypalePilsenlagerhasbecomealegendamongstbeers,andhascreatedacompletelynewcategoryofbeer(Pils,P...